Real Techniques Review

                    Real Techniques Core Collection - Superdrug £20.99
    Buffing brush, Contour brush,  Pointed foundation brush & Detailer brush.

For. So. LONG, I have been wanting to try the Real Techniques brushes, literally, so long. And  it's always been a case of wanting them, but forgetting about it and buying a different set, and them never having the brushes I need. The other day I took myself out after college and was hunting down a new lipstick but just my luck they didn't have it! As I was just about to leave the shop, my eye was caught on this set.. Real Technique (including a buffing brush AND contour brush - 2 basic brushes I have been longing for forever!) and I thought I had to buy them all! They came in a set of 4, with a cute little carry case and I honestly love them. They are so soft, produce suuuch a natural, flawless look and I love the fact they weren't stingy on the actual brush heads.. they feel and look lush!

I am always on the look out for new brushes to try.. Would you recommend any in particular?

Summer Round Up.

Hello! So if you follow my blog you'd know that I haven't written anything in more or less a month.. And you might also know that my last post was a bit of a homage to my trip to LA. I know there's absolutely no excuse for the severe lack of posts this month but there has honestly been so. Much. Happening. Atleast I think..

One thing that stands out was that I had an unconditional uni offer from my first choice uni(!!!!!) 
It's at London Metropolitan studying Fashion Marketing and Journalism. Thing is with this, I only got the offer like, mid September because the uni hadn't received my grades (annoying) so I just assumed I hadn't made the cut. So to hear that news on an idle Tuesday whilst awaking from a nap was awesome.. But then I was left with the predicament of.. Can I pack my life up and get everything sorted in something silly like 4 days.. The answer was no. 

I know there's a few people who's probably reading this and air punching the screen, as uni has been something that I've always full heatedly wanted to do. But not receiving any offers made me decide to take a year out, do a part time college course and try again next year.. So that's what I've set my mind on this year.

So the course I'm taking now has, I'm pretty sure, the worlds longest title. Its so long that I legitimately don't remember it, but it's something like: Theatrical Hair and Media and Special Effects Make-up Artistry. Essentially meaning, I will be a trained MUA who can also do sick wounds and face paints and stuff I guessssss. As you probably know I've always loved make up and this course offers me the whole package, I mean, it's my last year of free education, so why not do something that is not only interesting but is an extra skill? (I will also be able to document all of the interesting stuff I get up to right here)

Whilst I was in LA I really wanted to see if I could get myself to atleast one festival this year when I get home as a little pick me up and somehow I managed to blag myself 2 Hospitality tickets to Bestival in the Isle of Wight. They intitled me to a fair few perks and VIP access to the VIP bar, oooo interesting. 
The music and atmosphere is just my favourite thing ever and I got to meet some incredibly interesting people! Including *cough* Caspar Lee *cough* Joe Sugg and *coughcough* Professor Green (who I managed by the way to do a spectacular trip in front of before I realised that, we were in face neighbours and I would never get to live that down. Horrah. I'm probably going to end up doing a post about Bestival giving you a few more deets and pictures.*

Being away was absolutely amazing, I mean, obviously. But I feel it kinda made me realise how lovely it is being at home and having all your little home comforts and people (and amazing views I get here in Devon), so this was another factor in me deferring uni for a year.. Just so I can make the most of every nice little mundanity. Don't be in a rush to grow up and leave home, it's a pretty special time! 

I actually kinda like it. Welcome back Bono.

That's basically all that's new in my life, so hopefully you're all up to date so when I do my next post, we an just pick up from where we left off!

What about you guys, is any of you going to uni this year? Deferring a year? Let me know! 
