Budget Last Minute Halloween Tutorial.

Okaaaaaaaaay, SO this would officially be my first ever tutorial, ever. Long time coming, I know but we have a lot to cover so I'm gonna dive right into it.

This post is for all those slightly unprepared people who either, haven't yet got their Halloween Costume/Make Up sorted, or have an idea of what they want to look like but are completely clueless on how to achieve it. The tutorial today is for a kind of dead/zombie look which is quite a universal look and can be used with pretty much any fancy dress outfit. You can then pass yourself of as a dead (insert stereotypically generic costume idea here) and you will get credit for not just being a nurse.. or cat..



MUA Lipstick - Red: £1 MUA Lipstick - Nude: £1   Blood: £2.99   Elf  Pallet: $2 so around £1.25   MUA Eye Palett: £4.00
Natural Collection Powder: £1.99    Grimas Face Paint: £5.99

(I used extremely cheap products as you don't want to ruin your favourites!)

I started off with a pale base. I used Grimas White face paint, applying all over with a sponge. I then added some translucent/really really pale powder to give me a bit of a human tone,, while still being extremely pale.

I then used a cheap ass Lipstick, MUA and circled underneath my eyelids, above my cheekbones, each side of my nose and a little on one side of my forehead. You then rub over the lines you've made with your fingers blending it in. Don't use too much as a little goes a loooooong way.

By this point your Make up should be very messy, and you're probably wondering where I'm going with this, but keep at it. After you have done as much blending as you can, it's time to add some purple! I put a medium purple directly under my eyes to give off the whole bruising, dead, rotting kind of  impression blending that with a slightly darker purple. I used the Elf mini pallet for this.

Now you've got the colourful groundwork, it's time to add a lotttt of black. I used a black eye shadow from my MUA pallet and applied with my Real Techniques contoring brush, just because it was a good shape and amazing at blending, but you can use any brush you deem fit for purpose. So I now go over all of the red parts with black, not too thick to start but keep layering it till the blood looks old and really manky. I also go in the inner circles of my eyes quite stongly with the black. (It didn't picture well but I have a lot more in the inner circle but blended it out) Only you can be the judge of how much you need so keep applying until your happy. BLENDING IS KEY.

The look is now starting to take place, but you could still definitely look deader. I next use a pale pale paaaale lipstick on my lips to give them a bit of a realistic look, rather than smearing white facepaint on them. After that on the inner part of both lips, I added a little bit of black eye shadow using a thin brush to make them look quite creepy and dead.

Finally, I thought a bit of  blood was in order, so I dabbed the wound on my head with some blood, and dabbed anywhere else with red showing with a bit of blood. Remember to blend this until your happy. I also added a little on the side of my mouth, as it wouldn't be halloween without the suspicious one sided blood mouth - thing. BUT the one perfect line of blood coming from one side, annoys me every year, so don't be cliche, make it look a liiiiittle messy! :)

So thats pretty much it! This look can be as subtle, or as dead and horrible as you like, it's all about the quantities used, so have fun with it! I hope this helped all of you last minute Halloweeners!

Will you be using this look this year? Do you want to see more tutorials? What are you doing for Halloween? LET ME KNOW.

My Favourite Autumn/Winter Lipstick.

Anyone who knows me will know, I am a complete sucker for a good matte lipstick. I find that with the shape of my lips and my skin tone that it looks almost a million times better than lipstick with a shine. One of the other reasons being is that they are long wearing and you can eat, drink, carry on with your day without having to constantly re apply. 

I am always on the look out for a new lipstick and my friend, Liv came into work with this gorgeous red lipstick on and didn't have to apply any more for the rest of the evening, that's when I knew I wanted it. When she told me it was Bourjois I was completely shocked, because although I have seen the brand for years I have never tried it, or even heard any reviews. 

I have been a bit of a lipstick snob over the past year or so, doting over my favourite YSL matte lipstick but nevertheless, I gave it a go and absolutely love it. I am constantly wearing this shade as it is absolutely perfect for the Autumn/Winter Seasons. The colour is very strong and pretty. I have heard some people have trouble applying using the little fluffy brush provided (I've forgotten the name, sorry) and I find it works better on some days than others. what I tend to do is line the lips first, then apply using the lip brush provided then use one of my lip brushes to finish it. But, however, it is the sort of lipstick you can just put on and go.

I am so happy with this and all of the other 8 shades are equally beautiful, so these will definitely be my new obsession. I cannot stress how well they stay on (and stain). AND Superdrug are currently doing an offer that brings them to only £5 so go get some, get every one! 
                               Boujior Velvet Rouge Edition - Superdrug £8.99
                                                      Shade 08 Grand Cru

Cosy Night In

Tonight, I should blog but it's my first weekend off on aaaaaages. So I've lit candles, lit insence and turned my fairy lights on, having a lovely night in with Ted (my cat) and watching all the Friday night TV I've missed. Tonight is a good night. 
Happy Friday everyone!   


Real Techniques Review

                    Real Techniques Core Collection - Superdrug £20.99
    Buffing brush, Contour brush,  Pointed foundation brush & Detailer brush.

For. So. LONG, I have been wanting to try the Real Techniques brushes, literally, so long. And  it's always been a case of wanting them, but forgetting about it and buying a different set, and them never having the brushes I need. The other day I took myself out after college and was hunting down a new lipstick but just my luck they didn't have it! As I was just about to leave the shop, my eye was caught on this set.. Real Technique (including a buffing brush AND contour brush - 2 basic brushes I have been longing for forever!) and I thought I had to buy them all! They came in a set of 4, with a cute little carry case and I honestly love them. They are so soft, produce suuuch a natural, flawless look and I love the fact they weren't stingy on the actual brush heads.. they feel and look lush!

I am always on the look out for new brushes to try.. Would you recommend any in particular?

Summer Round Up.

Hello! So if you follow my blog you'd know that I haven't written anything in more or less a month.. And you might also know that my last post was a bit of a homage to my trip to LA. I know there's absolutely no excuse for the severe lack of posts this month but there has honestly been so. Much. Happening. Atleast I think..

One thing that stands out was that I had an unconditional uni offer from my first choice uni(!!!!!) 
It's at London Metropolitan studying Fashion Marketing and Journalism. Thing is with this, I only got the offer like, mid September because the uni hadn't received my grades (annoying) so I just assumed I hadn't made the cut. So to hear that news on an idle Tuesday whilst awaking from a nap was awesome.. But then I was left with the predicament of.. Can I pack my life up and get everything sorted in something silly like 4 days.. The answer was no. 

I know there's a few people who's probably reading this and air punching the screen, as uni has been something that I've always full heatedly wanted to do. But not receiving any offers made me decide to take a year out, do a part time college course and try again next year.. So that's what I've set my mind on this year.

So the course I'm taking now has, I'm pretty sure, the worlds longest title. Its so long that I legitimately don't remember it, but it's something like: Theatrical Hair and Media and Special Effects Make-up Artistry. Essentially meaning, I will be a trained MUA who can also do sick wounds and face paints and stuff I guessssss. As you probably know I've always loved make up and this course offers me the whole package, I mean, it's my last year of free education, so why not do something that is not only interesting but is an extra skill? (I will also be able to document all of the interesting stuff I get up to right here)

Whilst I was in LA I really wanted to see if I could get myself to atleast one festival this year when I get home as a little pick me up and somehow I managed to blag myself 2 Hospitality tickets to Bestival in the Isle of Wight. They intitled me to a fair few perks and VIP access to the VIP bar, oooo interesting. 
The music and atmosphere is just my favourite thing ever and I got to meet some incredibly interesting people! Including *cough* Caspar Lee *cough* Joe Sugg and *coughcough* Professor Green (who I managed by the way to do a spectacular trip in front of before I realised that, we were in face neighbours and I would never get to live that down. Horrah. I'm probably going to end up doing a post about Bestival giving you a few more deets and pictures.*

Being away was absolutely amazing, I mean, obviously. But I feel it kinda made me realise how lovely it is being at home and having all your little home comforts and people (and amazing views I get here in Devon), so this was another factor in me deferring uni for a year.. Just so I can make the most of every nice little mundanity. Don't be in a rush to grow up and leave home, it's a pretty special time! 

I actually kinda like it. Welcome back Bono.

That's basically all that's new in my life, so hopefully you're all up to date so when I do my next post, we an just pick up from where we left off!

What about you guys, is any of you going to uni this year? Deferring a year? Let me know! 


Update: Goodbye LA

Okay, so the time has come where I have to say goodbye to my brothers and all my friends out here in LA. To say the least, I'm gutted. But for sure this is the perfect opportunity to put all the amazing and positive things that I have learned and experiences I have had, and put them to use. I can't begin to list everything I have seen done and gained from being out here, but it really has been one of, if not the most rewarding experiences of my life. I'm going to keep this short and sweet as I might decide to do a real review from the airport. So thank you to everybody who has been apart of this incredible time.
LA I love you.

"If you don't leave, you can't come back."

Hava Sole!

Okay so this post isn't going to be your usual look book, haul or review post (not that I've done any of those yet.) This is a shoe post, but with a liiiitle bit of a twist.

About a week ago I was talking to my good friend Nisalda, and she was telling me all about her new project. This one, being slightly different to the usual acting, modelling, singing things she has going on, it's called hava sole! The general idea of this is that people can donate shoes to a PO box address and these get given to (homeless) people in need. It was started by her good friend Rikki, realising he has way too many kicks that he doesn't wear and that surely there was a better use for these. He then called Nisalda and they took to the streets of LA finding, people who could do with a little bit of help.

What I love most about this small charity, is that they actually listen the people they meet. So often homeless people are disregarded from society, when sometimes all they need is someone to listen to them and human contact. I absolutely jumped at the chance to help in any way I could and was lucky enough to be able to go out with the pair and I was astonished on the conditions people had been subjected to. You can't put into words the feeling of seeing people with so very little, so just to help them have, atleast a comfy pair of shoes and maybe a bottle of water to help them through their days, is an amazing feeling. 

What Rikki and Nisalda do is amazing, and really taught me a lot. This is a non profit charity, but they take time out of their day to help those in need but there will always be extra costs to do so, 
so if you're interested in helping them out go to:
www.gofundme.com/bww6bw or check out the Instagram 
@hava_sole where you can get hold of them for more details! 

    Photography: @RikksPikks

Summer Favourites

Summer is a really awkward time make up wise, because I'm not usually too fussed with wearing things like foundation, as I'd usually have a tan, so would go all natural - mostly so it's easier to tan. But for the evenings or where I want make a little bit more of an effort and have some coverage, I'd definitely say Chanel Perfection Lumiére. I am extremely lucky with my skin as I rarely get spots and have a reasonably good PH balance, making it not too greasy or too dry. This foundation is one you can just brush on and go. It has reasonable coverage, but isn't one of its best factors. I realise it is quite a pricey foundation but personally, would recommend it to the people with average/good skin as it gives you an airbrushed look and is very hydrating. I will always set it with a bit if powder, but don't find it lasts any more than 8 hours without having to give it a little touch up. 

I use MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural Powder to set my make up, I don't like heavy powders but I like to use a little to stop shine and keep everything in place. I absolutely love this powder as it's light but also let's your skin breathe, it gives it a healthy glow and does everything you'd want it to do and is extremely soft. 

Benefit They're Real! - £19.50Chanel Perfection Luminére - £36.00  YSL Rouge Coture (shade 33) - £25  MAC Mineralize Skinfinish - £22.00   BarryM Gelly Nail Effects (Satsuma) - £3.99

I'm a massive fan of coral this summer as I find myself wearing a whole lot of black and white, it's always really effective to have a statement colour. I have a massive obsession with YSL's lipsticks so just before I went away I chose one of their coral ones from the Rouge Pur Coture range and needless to say, I absolutely love it. It's very bright and very bold which is ideal for the summer and also lasts for ages. The packaging is also gorgeous with YSL - I sometimes use the side of the lid as a mirror.

Also, in coral, I bought a Barry M Gelly Nail Paint which is so fun. It's such a summery colour and is so easy to apply. I prefer their Gelly range as I find it looks glossier and even when painting. It also provides bold colour which is a must have for this shade. 

My last product is my lifesaver! Benefit They're Real! mascara. This, I cannot live without. It is such a lovely mascara. I heard a lot of hype about this at work for a long time, so I thought I'd try it, and I honestly wouldn't go back! I am a complete mascara fiend as I feel I could go without any product other than mascara. I love big, long, thick, dark, statement eyes and this will certainly help you achieve this. I am a little bit of a cheat as I had eyelash extensions put on before I went away to actually not let me rely so much on mascara, but when I want a nice evening eye, I'll always use this to top them up!

These are my absolute summer favourites, what are yours? 

E.l.f Review

So being a blogger and reading/watching a load of blogs I have seen a ridiculous amount of 'Elf' thinking to myself it looks like a pretty decent brand. Although, living in a small town in the South West of England.. I don't get the biggest choice of make up without travelling atleast 30 mins, so being in LA and having everything you could possibly ever need here, is so refreshing! I was walking through a massive department store, Target, and saw this little beauty for something ridiculous like $8, I had to give it a go! 

It was between this and a pallet of 100, but I picked this as I felt I would use the colours more. 

I was shocked for so long about the price of the few products I saw (I couldn't stay too long as I knew I was no here for another month and cannot afford to completely fulfill my beauty desires) so took to the good old internet to see if this was a crazy sale, or just a crazy brand. After a bit of research I found that it was just an amazingly priced brand - I guess kind of equivalent to the UK's MUA make up brand. 

After trying the product itself, I was honestly astounded. The colours on the pallet are gorgeous but it can always differ a little once actually applying, but I was amazed to see that they were just as pretty on than off. The make up itself is very pigmented and strong, with obviously the rule of the more you apply or blend the different looks you can create. 

Overall I'm so happy with this product and will definitely stock up on some more before I go home, it was an absolute steal! I'd highly recommend and am excited to see what else they have in store.

What do you think of Elf? Worth the dolla? 

My Travel Essentials

If you read the last post you would probably know that I have migrated to Cali for the summer. Since I'm out here for so long, I was verrry unsure of what to pack and also had to be cautious of the amount I packed. Although I would have absolutely loved to have brought my entire cosmetic collection, I couldn't. Luckily, at the moment, I'm reasonably low maintenance with skincare so here are some of my summer travel essentials.


I'm going to start with the obvious, for going to a hot climate, suncream. Skin protection is one of the best cosmetics you can get, as it prevents you from premature wrinkles, dark spots, burn and pigmentation. I chose Hawaiian Tropic Sheer Touch sunscreen as it is so hydrating, leaving you with a lovely, luminous look. It also has a really fresh, summery scent to it and is oil free! It's a liiiitle bit more pricey than some other brands, but I'd definitely recommend paying that little bit extra.


On the same note as skincare, my next essential is Clinique's Dramatically Different. I will be completely honest and admit, it isn't my absolute favourite moisturiser I've tried as I've found it isn't the easiest to spread and becomes a little bit tacky, but it does get rid of the dryness, which is a must have in a hot climate. It also leaves my skin feeling quite fresh and soft and comes in a smaller size, which is ideal for traveling - less is more with this.


I've gone with Estee Lauder - Take It Away, simply because I, occasionally wear Double Wear and it is pretty much THE only thing that can get it off. It also takes any other make up you have on with minimal effort, which is always something that you appreciate when you just want to go to sleep, it smells lovely and leaves your skin feeling refreshed after use.


I have brought two exfoliators out with me, as when you're tanning and in the sun, its really important to get rid of the dead skin sells - especially if you want to keep your tan looking healthy and make it last. The one's I have chosen are both Clarins as they smell gorgeous and I always trust Clarins with skincare. One, exfoliating body scrub and the other, Gentle Refiner Exfoliator - for face. 


I didn't really bring a lot for my hair as I don't like to put too much on it as I'm currently trying to let it recover from my excessive bleaching phase! I did, however bring, salt spray. Im'm still trying to work out how to properly use it or if I even like it, but I thought it was a really handy idea to have effortless waves in your hair without really having to do anything to it. The other item, Schwarzkopf - Got2B powderful for volume. I absolutely love this product for nights out, or anytime you'd need dressy hair, you literally put a tiny bit in the roots, rub it in and it gives you so much volume!


So I didn't picture these as it would have looked very boring but there are some must haves everyone needs when going away, especially when you're as accident prone as me. 
-Hypercal (helps with cuts and grazes)
-Paracetemol!! I go nowhere without this, and the alternative isnt as cheap in the US

So thats what I brought with me, would you bring anything different? Let me know!

BACK (for good) and July 4th in LA

Soooooo I'm definitely in LA right now. It's been a ridiculous amount of time since my last post and I am completely aware but it's been so frantically busy this past few months, so here's a bit on an update: I've finished college, it's now summer, I'm now 18, I've had a conditional offer from London Met University to study Fashion Marketing and journalism, I've quit my job and am living in LA for the summer. Quite a bit really which I'm sure as the posts continue I will go in more detail and fill more gaps, but I promise to stop slacking and neglecting this blog, I have no excuses to not write anymore, so here's where I am now - July 6th. Two days after my first and very legendary 4th of July. As you most likely know, I'm British, which means 4th July isn't something we celebrate, so I was very excited to find out I would be in Los Angeles for this momentous occasion. For the two weeks that I've been here, almost daily I was asking my brothers (and all of their friends) what we were going to end up doing and no one had any solid plans, and it was going to be, very much going with the flow. The morning of the 4th came and we were invited to our friends apartment downstairs for mimosas (Champagne and orange - or as the British say, Bucks Fizz) and Crepes, which was an offer I couldn't refuse! Only issue was, I had absolutely no idea to wear so was running round the apartment finding an outfit that could take me through the day but still looked presentable! Eventually, I went for a simple Topshop vest top and a pair of ripped Levi shorts. Later I added my Topshop kimono that could dress it up if I felt I needed it.

I had absolutely no idea how his day was going to go, so I went downstairs and was greeted by lots of smiley faces and American flags! More people arrived for the breakfast and more invitations for parties for the day and with that. it very quickly turned into day drinking fuelled beer pong (with the classic red cups of course.) The drinks got more and more potent and we decided to go to the first of 3 possible parties. We had an awesome group and had a really fun car trip to the first party, in West Hollywood. I had absolutely no idea where we were going and was a little tipsy so it was all very exciting. The first party we arrived to was on a rooftop, it was awesome. There was a massive stand with the American flag, lots of beer, music and of course, beautiful people. We didn't spend too long here as we were running on a tight schedule for the day and everyone seemed to knew everyone.. Apart from us. But it was really fun to be in the atmosphere of a rooftop party in a completely foreign place, with a really awesome group of people, not the kinda thing I get the opportunity to do often in England!

After about an hour and a half, we decided to take off and try the next party. Another car trip (and a slightly drunken service station stop) we arrived somewhere near Venice beach. It didn't immediately seem like anything special from the outside, but once we got up the stairs of the complex we heard music, people talking and this seemed a liiiiiittle more what I was used to. There were two apartments next to each other that were hoasting a joint party so people just went in and out as they pleased. Everyone was extremely friendly and within minutes of being there I was kidnapped for people to make me drinks and see where I came from. It was really fun to have people obsess over the way I talk and visa versa! I then made to play beer pong for the second time in my life, and also that day. Things got very competitive and it may have ended up being Brits vs Yanks and of course, we won.. Twice!! So, I can imagine that being a little embarrassing for the Americans on there Independence Day. It was all clean fun though and I met some really lovely and most of all, interesting people there! Sadly, after our second game.. We had to go to the final party. We said goodbye to everyone, took some selfies, swapped some Facebooks and left. It was such a lovely, friendly atmosphere at this one and showed the realness(?) of friends being proud of where they're from and enjoying their lives. 

Our last party didn't go so smoothly, we had to drive to a place called Marina Del Rey for this boat party, the issue was.. There was a couple hundred others trying to do the same thing! We cut it a little fine as everyone decided before the last place, I HAD to try an "In and Out Burger" I had no idea what this was but went with it. We arrived in this chain and there was so. Maaaaaany. People! Honestly the drive through was ram packed and so was the restaurant, but I completely get why.. It was incredible! So after this debacle of food and traffic (and a lot of walking) we arrived at the final destination, and what a beautiful destination it was! It was a lovely warm evening and there was a lovely, chilled group of friends that met us on the pontoon right next to the boat, it was a completely different atmosphere to what I was expecting but was equally as fun. We sat, talked, drank and ate. Perfect! 

It was really lovely to see how people celebrate this events differently but most of all, the unity that it gives Americans. A chance to celebrate all that's good and do exactly as you please. I can honestly say I had one of the best days of my life, not for any reason other than the experiences it gave me. It teaches you that they don't always have to be mountain sized experiences but to appreciate the small things and not waste a minute. So kudos to you America, you gave me an incredible day and hopefully it won't be my last 4th July! 


P.s I know I haven't really done any fashion or beauty posts yet but it is all definitely in the works, promise!