BACK (for good) and July 4th in LA

Soooooo I'm definitely in LA right now. It's been a ridiculous amount of time since my last post and I am completely aware but it's been so frantically busy this past few months, so here's a bit on an update: I've finished college, it's now summer, I'm now 18, I've had a conditional offer from London Met University to study Fashion Marketing and journalism, I've quit my job and am living in LA for the summer. Quite a bit really which I'm sure as the posts continue I will go in more detail and fill more gaps, but I promise to stop slacking and neglecting this blog, I have no excuses to not write anymore, so here's where I am now - July 6th. Two days after my first and very legendary 4th of July. As you most likely know, I'm British, which means 4th July isn't something we celebrate, so I was very excited to find out I would be in Los Angeles for this momentous occasion. For the two weeks that I've been here, almost daily I was asking my brothers (and all of their friends) what we were going to end up doing and no one had any solid plans, and it was going to be, very much going with the flow. The morning of the 4th came and we were invited to our friends apartment downstairs for mimosas (Champagne and orange - or as the British say, Bucks Fizz) and Crepes, which was an offer I couldn't refuse! Only issue was, I had absolutely no idea to wear so was running round the apartment finding an outfit that could take me through the day but still looked presentable! Eventually, I went for a simple Topshop vest top and a pair of ripped Levi shorts. Later I added my Topshop kimono that could dress it up if I felt I needed it.

I had absolutely no idea how his day was going to go, so I went downstairs and was greeted by lots of smiley faces and American flags! More people arrived for the breakfast and more invitations for parties for the day and with that. it very quickly turned into day drinking fuelled beer pong (with the classic red cups of course.) The drinks got more and more potent and we decided to go to the first of 3 possible parties. We had an awesome group and had a really fun car trip to the first party, in West Hollywood. I had absolutely no idea where we were going and was a little tipsy so it was all very exciting. The first party we arrived to was on a rooftop, it was awesome. There was a massive stand with the American flag, lots of beer, music and of course, beautiful people. We didn't spend too long here as we were running on a tight schedule for the day and everyone seemed to knew everyone.. Apart from us. But it was really fun to be in the atmosphere of a rooftop party in a completely foreign place, with a really awesome group of people, not the kinda thing I get the opportunity to do often in England!

After about an hour and a half, we decided to take off and try the next party. Another car trip (and a slightly drunken service station stop) we arrived somewhere near Venice beach. It didn't immediately seem like anything special from the outside, but once we got up the stairs of the complex we heard music, people talking and this seemed a liiiiiittle more what I was used to. There were two apartments next to each other that were hoasting a joint party so people just went in and out as they pleased. Everyone was extremely friendly and within minutes of being there I was kidnapped for people to make me drinks and see where I came from. It was really fun to have people obsess over the way I talk and visa versa! I then made to play beer pong for the second time in my life, and also that day. Things got very competitive and it may have ended up being Brits vs Yanks and of course, we won.. Twice!! So, I can imagine that being a little embarrassing for the Americans on there Independence Day. It was all clean fun though and I met some really lovely and most of all, interesting people there! Sadly, after our second game.. We had to go to the final party. We said goodbye to everyone, took some selfies, swapped some Facebooks and left. It was such a lovely, friendly atmosphere at this one and showed the realness(?) of friends being proud of where they're from and enjoying their lives. 

Our last party didn't go so smoothly, we had to drive to a place called Marina Del Rey for this boat party, the issue was.. There was a couple hundred others trying to do the same thing! We cut it a little fine as everyone decided before the last place, I HAD to try an "In and Out Burger" I had no idea what this was but went with it. We arrived in this chain and there was so. Maaaaaany. People! Honestly the drive through was ram packed and so was the restaurant, but I completely get why.. It was incredible! So after this debacle of food and traffic (and a lot of walking) we arrived at the final destination, and what a beautiful destination it was! It was a lovely warm evening and there was a lovely, chilled group of friends that met us on the pontoon right next to the boat, it was a completely different atmosphere to what I was expecting but was equally as fun. We sat, talked, drank and ate. Perfect! 

It was really lovely to see how people celebrate this events differently but most of all, the unity that it gives Americans. A chance to celebrate all that's good and do exactly as you please. I can honestly say I had one of the best days of my life, not for any reason other than the experiences it gave me. It teaches you that they don't always have to be mountain sized experiences but to appreciate the small things and not waste a minute. So kudos to you America, you gave me an incredible day and hopefully it won't be my last 4th July! 


P.s I know I haven't really done any fashion or beauty posts yet but it is all definitely in the works, promise!