Update: Goodbye LA

Okay, so the time has come where I have to say goodbye to my brothers and all my friends out here in LA. To say the least, I'm gutted. But for sure this is the perfect opportunity to put all the amazing and positive things that I have learned and experiences I have had, and put them to use. I can't begin to list everything I have seen done and gained from being out here, but it really has been one of, if not the most rewarding experiences of my life. I'm going to keep this short and sweet as I might decide to do a real review from the airport. So thank you to everybody who has been apart of this incredible time.
LA I love you.

"If you don't leave, you can't come back."

Hava Sole!

Okay so this post isn't going to be your usual look book, haul or review post (not that I've done any of those yet.) This is a shoe post, but with a liiiitle bit of a twist.

About a week ago I was talking to my good friend Nisalda, and she was telling me all about her new project. This one, being slightly different to the usual acting, modelling, singing things she has going on, it's called hava sole! The general idea of this is that people can donate shoes to a PO box address and these get given to (homeless) people in need. It was started by her good friend Rikki, realising he has way too many kicks that he doesn't wear and that surely there was a better use for these. He then called Nisalda and they took to the streets of LA finding, people who could do with a little bit of help.

What I love most about this small charity, is that they actually listen the people they meet. So often homeless people are disregarded from society, when sometimes all they need is someone to listen to them and human contact. I absolutely jumped at the chance to help in any way I could and was lucky enough to be able to go out with the pair and I was astonished on the conditions people had been subjected to. You can't put into words the feeling of seeing people with so very little, so just to help them have, atleast a comfy pair of shoes and maybe a bottle of water to help them through their days, is an amazing feeling. 

What Rikki and Nisalda do is amazing, and really taught me a lot. This is a non profit charity, but they take time out of their day to help those in need but there will always be extra costs to do so, 
so if you're interested in helping them out go to:
www.gofundme.com/bww6bw or check out the Instagram 
@hava_sole where you can get hold of them for more details! 

    Photography: @RikksPikks